• Course Schedule

    • Virtual lecture sessions (Tentative schedule):

      Session 1: 15 July 2024

      Time Agenda Speakers/PIC
      13.00-13.10 Virtual opening remaks Prof. Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. (Dean of Biology Faculty, UGM)
      13.10-13.30 Course plan and orientation Committee
      13.30-15.00 Virtual talk: Prospecting forest resources. Dr. Noor Janatun Naim Binti Jemali* (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan)

      Session 2: 17 July 2024 

      Time Agenda Speakers/PIC
      14.00-15.30 Virtual talk: Sustainable Agriculture Dr. Nick Girkin (University of Nottingham UK)

      Session 3: 22 July 2024 

      Time Agenda Speakers/PIC
      13.00-14.30 Virtual talk: Pollination Biology Prof. Jun Yokoyama (Yamagata University Japan)

      Session 4: 24 July 2024 

      Time Agenda Speakers/PIC
      13.00-14.30 Virtual talk: Climate change and fishery production and risk Prof. David Booth* (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)

      In-person sessions: 29 July – 2 August 2024

      29 July 2024

      Time Agenda Speakers/PIC
      7.30-7.45 Registration and Morning coffee
      7.45-8.00 Opening Speech Prof. Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. (Dean of Biology Faculty, UGM)
      8-9.45 Panel 1 Insect bioprospecting Prof Said (Cairo University)

      Dr Sukirno (UGM)

      9.45-10.00 Coffee break + Casual discussion
      10.00-11.45 Panel 2 Mainstreaming Biodiversity for One health Dr Abdul Wahed (Leipzig University)

      Prof Truyen (Leipzig University)

      11.45-12.45 Lunch break
      12.45-14.15 Panel 3 Natural products and Bioprospecting Dr. Tri Rini Nuringtyas (UGM)

      Dr. Nor ismaliza (UTAR)

      14.15-14.30 Coffee break + Casual discussion
      14.30-15.30 Panel 4 Genetic resources Prof. Kornsorn Srikulnath (Kasetsart University)

      30 July 2024 : Cultural and workshop activities

      Time Agenda Speakers/PIC
      7.30 Departure


      Sonobudoyo Museum + Batik workshop Committee
      10.00-10.30  Moving to Keraton (Sultan Palace) Committee
      10.30-12.00 Tour at Keraton (Sultan Palace) Committee
      12.00-13.00 Lunch break Committee
      13.00-13.45 (+ Extra 15 menit) Moving to Coklat Monggo Committee
      14.00-16.00 Chocolate Museum 

      Chocolate making workshop


      31 July 2024 : Field trip

      Time Agenda Speakers/PIC
      7.30-8.00 Morning coffee
      8-9.45 Talk 4 Ethnobotany Dr. Siti Fatimah (UTHM)

      Prof. Ratna Susandarini (UGM)

      Dr. Alona (UPLB)

      9.45-10.00 Coffee break + Casual discussion
      10.00-11.45 Talk 5 Micro- and macro-algae industry Prof. Sang Gil Lee* (Pukyong University)

      Dr. Eko Agus Suyono (UGM)

      11.45-12.45 Trip to Jejamuran Committee
      12.45-13.45 Lunch at Jejamuran Committee
      13.45-15.30 Jejamuran (Mushroom bioprospecting) Committee
      15.30-15.45 Closing Committee

      1 Aug 2024 : Field trip

      Time Agenda Speakers/PIC
      07.30 Departure Committee
      10.00-17.00 Field trip: Prospecting coastal natural resources Committee
      17.00-18.00 Group Discussion Committee
      Games and Resting

      2 Aug

      Time Agenda Speakers/PIC
      07.30 Breakfast followers by departure from Porok Committee
      09.00-16.00 Field trip: Sustainable agroforestry for wildlife conservation and local livelihood Committee
      16.00-17.00 Group discussion Committee
      17.00 Back to UGM  Committee
      Upon arrival Closing Committee
  • Inspirative Talks

  • Course Topics